Saturday, October 16, 2010

Straight from MY heart....

Have tried a new style of writing....hope all of you read 'between' the lines and somewhere relate to it.

People I call best friends....likings & priorities changed....creating unsaid distances between us...but still I much each one matters to all of matter what at the end of the day we are there for each other.....then why those distances??......happens with everyone? wanting some relations back in life as they where......NEVER getting everything we want in life....but if we did....wouldn't life lose its meaning?

Perhaps me too young to comment on life and stuff.....Am I too mature for my age? ex told me I was too mature....another close friend tells me to stop being immateur...does this happen with everyone??....I keep on telling people there is no such thing as confusion....but can I myself live up to that?

Why is there always a confusion whether I like someone or not....whether its attraction..lust..obsession?? .....But am I the only one who is facing this?...It happens with everyone,right? ....why does naming a relation create distances??...why do we need to be good friends,really good friends,best friends??.....Cant' we be JUST friends?..that word means a lot to all...doesn't it?

But then it strikes me.....I am not going to gain anything in these things...isn't studying for my exams more important than this?? much ever I portray that not studying isn't affecting it because in today's life that is cooler?.....I don't want to be cool by portraying this...I know my cell distracts me from studies....BUT still why do I check it every now and then while studying??

Why can't I just cut-off from FACEBOOK and my Away from all these friends...old friends...this group....that messaging.....plans getting canceled...last minute plans leading to fun...teasing and stuff....getting invited...getting ditched...back-bitching...GOSSIPING..! And then it suddenly strikes the age of 17 I am having so much fun...when about 40% children of my age are not even getting a proper LIFE.....affection love family are out of question....not even Food shelter clothing & EDUCATION..! But WHAT CAN I DO?? :'( can me enjoying less help them even if I want to???

Well...but...this is Teenage...we have to learn...get ready to face to world...get out from our protective the same time enjoying life....long talks with friends...helping us to decide wether we like her or not....what we should do etc...finally we decided to move on...this is not just happening.....I'll give you a new one says a close friend....why do you worry??...we get happy...But wait a second....someone just messaged...OHH....its her....ssup??....OMG!! WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?? HELP!!!
:D :D

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Insecurity....never spares anyone!

After having thought on many topics on which I can write...I finally chose this one. "Insecurity".
This word when asked as a question might be the one of those whose answer is always negative.
Example: One friend to another: Are you Feeling insecure? Friend: NO! Why the hell would I feel insecure. is true indeed, like all other feelings this can be misunderstood as well. But it happens rarely.

As the title ACTUALLY never spares anyone. You can see it right from a baby child of about 1 year who cries when someone goes near his mother to a man of about 50years who might get insecure in a financial difficulty.

Getting insecure is basically losing your confidence when its regarding your work...and getting jealous when its regarding relations. The positive part is that Insecurity never it anyone, one has to face it. Jealousy...Envy....Insecurity are 3 painful things. Somewhat related to each other. They happen in every teenager's life. Be it not getting invited to a certain party OR not looking good as someone else is OR wanting to posses something that you don't have. You can see these qualities everywhere.

Getting insecure out of the limit results in relations getting dirty which may result in ugly fights.
Frustration on that person OR trying to get even closer to that person OR Sulking is what most insecure people do. But getting insecure shows the true feelings of a person. I mean...insecurity is something that can be rarely faked. So when someone getting insecure because of you. You do mean a lot to that thing/person

Lastly...I would say, having learned from my "insecure" experiences...what we can do is treat it just like other feelings such as happiness,love,anger etc. We should just try and NOT cross that LIMIT.