After asking lots of people...what should I write....was stuck really! Did think of writing Teenage Relationships Part - 5! But, well...people think it is for publicity! Actually...what people think changes over a period of time and why not..?? There would have been no fun in life without change!
But there is always good change and bad change! Be it in Social Sciences like a revolution which a slow and steady change or in Science where you can see fast change is the states of matter or be it life where you can see people change drastically!
Complicating simple things is never difficult for anyone! So...things like "love" , "change in behavior of people" are NEVER complicated, its the "situation" that makes you think it is complicated.
For example, I believe no human being is innately bad, its just the situation in which he is forces him to take actions which hurt us and make us feel that he is wicked and stuff..!
As for change in behavior of can vary from person to person and again depends on the scenario! But, be it your best friends, family or anyone...people do change! They are human beings after all.!
The quality that we must have is to accept all the "positive" things in the changed person and move on with it. It so happens that the change is too much to handle and things can get ugly and relations can get spoiled!
You can't just get up one day and decide...I am going be like this from today..!! I do agree that we need to change with time but being yourself and getting accepted in the society is the real "happiness" in life than portraying yourself as someone else just for sake of getting accepted!
"Change" also initiates a hunger for Revenge in minds of many people and THAT is going to be my next topic! If you have any small incidents about "Revenge" you can mail it to me at Privacy guaranteed.!
P.S - In the last entry I had written about "वाया जाणं"! Thanks a lot for your answers! Indeed helped me a lot! Hope you respond in the same way and share your experiences about taking Revenge! :)